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This old system hasn't been used since 1971 but it would have been written £31.10/- or £31 10s 0d

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Q: How do you write thirty one pounds ten shillings?
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How much is 30 shilings in pounds?

Thirty shillings is equivalent to £1.50p (one pound and fifty pence) in decimal currency.

How do you write One million nine hundred and thirty six pounds in figures?

1,000,936 pounds.

Are shillings larger than pounds?

Shillings are smaller, there are 20 shillings in one pound

How much is 5 pounds in guineas and shillings?

There were 21 shillings in a guinea, 20 shillings in £1. A guinea was useful for a family of 3 children as they could get 7 shillings each.

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In the predecimal currency, there were 20 Shillings in One Pound. Therefore there would be 200,000 Shillings in £10,000 (predecimal).

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How many shillings are considering being rich?

There were 20 Shillings in One Pound so, if you consider having 10,000 Pounds as being rich, is would take 200,000 Shillings to be rich.

How many pounds are in thirty us tons?

Since one us ton is 2000 pounds thirty us tons is 60000 pounds.

How do you write 2804901 shillings in words?

Two million, eight hundred four thousand, nine hundred one shillings.

How do you write 1.38 in words?

"One point three eight" or "one point thirty-eight" or " one and thirty-eight one hundredths."