Three hundred forty one thousandths
Five hundred three and one hundred two thousandths
forty six and one hundred five - hundred thousandths
The word form is: seven hundred thirty-six and eighty-three thousandths.
Three hundred thirty-seven thousandths is .337
Three hundred forty one thousandths
One-thousand three-hundred forty-five hundred-thousandths.
3 + 0.6 + 0.01 + 0.004
The expanded form for the number 9082.334 is nine thousand eighty-two and three hundred thirty-four thousandths.
Five hundred three and one hundred two thousandths
nine hundred and six thousandths.
Three hundred seven thousandths = 0.307
forty six and one hundred five - hundred thousandths
The word form is: seven hundred thirty-six and eighty-three thousandths.
Three hundred thirty-seven thousandths is .337
0.389 in word form is is three hundred eighty nine thousandths, and in expanded form is 0.3 + 0.08 + 0.009