210, 45, 322 using integer exponents. But it can also be written as 10485760.5 or 162.5
419,854,000 using exponents is 4.19854 x 108
3.6 × 103
35 = 243
2 x 3 squared x 5 x 7 squared = 4410
210, 45, 322 using integer exponents. But it can also be written as 10485760.5 or 162.5
Three ways of writing 81 with exponents are: 92, 34, and 32 X 32.You could also write it as 8.1 x101.
419,854,000 using exponents is 4.19854 x 108
The prime factorization of 81 using exponents is: 34
252 or 54
1.5 × 108
3.6 × 103
35 = 243