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It is 3030.03

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Q: How do you write three thousand thirty and three hundredths as a decimal?
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How do you write three thousand thirty and three hundredths in decimal form?


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The decimal representation for "three and thirty-four hundredths" is 3.34.

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Seven thousand, four hundred thirty and twenty-five hundredths.

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"Three hundred thirty-three thousand three hundred thirty-three and thirty-three hundredths"

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What is Three Thousand Three And three Hundredths in decimal?


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How do you write three and thirty thousandths in decimal?

3.03 (Three and three hundredths is equivalent to three and thirty thousandths)

How do you read the decimal 8.33 in word form and explain why?

There is an 8. "And" means there is a decimal. "thirty-three hundredths" means that there are three tenths and three hundredths, which also equals 0.33. All together it's "eight and thirty-three hundredths".