The value or total value of 7 in 617342 is 7000.
Twenty thousand.
* If "a" is positive, "-a" is negative.* If "a" is negative, "-a" is positive. * If "a" is zero, "-a" is zero. If you want to force a negative number, you can write -|a|, i.e., the negative of the absolute value.
102,000,000 in letters of this value
Negative two million, five hundred sixty-seven thousand, three hundred.
negative thirty-seven thousandths.
Negative thirty-nine thousandths.
The value or total value of 7 in 617342 is 7000.
negative two hundred six thousandths
Because the number zero doesn't have a quantitative value - thus it could be written as a negative zero but it would still have the same value as a positive one, so we don't write any negative zeros ('cause we're lazy and write short-hand).
To practice place value and spelling.
Four and ten hundredths.
-7,542 = Negative seven thousand five hundred forty-two.
I'm pretty sure the answer is negative 11
Twenty thousand.
Negative numbers are integers as well. The absolute value of any negative integer will be positive and therefore larger than itself.