I don't think you can, unless these are two different numbers. Two hundred ninety-two is 292. Five hundred is just 500.
Five hundred three and one hundred two thousandths
Two and five hundred five thousandths
Four hundred and two thousand, five hundred.
Two hundred and twenty five thousand two hundred
Two hundred six thousand five hundred, to two decimal places.
two thousand five hundred;)
Five hundred three and one hundred two thousandths
Two and five hundred five thousandths
Two hundred five thousand, two hundred.
Two hundred twelve thousand, five hundred.
200.005 is two hundred and five thousandths.
Five hundred two million, fifty-two thousand, two hundred five.
Four hundred and two thousand, five hundred.
Five and two hundred four millionths = 5.000204
Five billion three hundred two is 5,000,000,302
Five hundred forty-two.