Nine hundred thirty-three ten-thousandths = 9.33 x 10-2
Two hundred thirty-six thousandths
Thirty-one and seven hundred forty-two thousandths.
Three hundred thirty-seven thousandths is .337
Nine hundred thirty-three ten-thousandths = 9.33 x 10-2
Nine hundred thirty-seven million in scientific notation = 9.37 × 108
Two hundred thirty-seven millionths in scientific notation is 2.37 × 10-4
Two hundred thirty-six thousandths
Thirty thousand five hundred sixty-four hundred-thousandths.
Thirty-one and seven hundred forty-two thousandths.
To write 8,436 in scientific notation, you first move the decimal point to the left until there is only one non-zero digit to its left. This gives you 8.436. Next, you determine how many places you moved the decimal point, which is 3 places to the left. Finally, you express the number as 8.436 x 10^3 in scientific notation.
700.034 is seven hundred and thirty-four thousandths.
Three hundred thirty-seven thousandths is .337
It is eight hundred thirty six thousandths.