Write a zero Write a decimal point Write a zero Write a zero Write a zero Write any digit less than 5 (if you wrote a zero you will have to write another digit or as many zeros as you want, and then a digit that is not a zero).
Arabic sifr = cypher, which led to Italian zero
Zero point zero zero zero eight four
One million. One zero zero zero zero zero zero.
Zero point zero zero nine
Trentadue = 32 In italian .
Write a zero Write a decimal point Write a zero Write a zero Write a zero Write any digit less than 5 (if you wrote a zero you will have to write another digit or as many zeros as you want, and then a digit that is not a zero).
Arabic sifr = cypher, which led to Italian zero
zero (nullo).
Zero is an Italian equivalent of 'zero'. It's a masculine noun whose definite article is 'il' ['the'], and whose indefinite article is 'uno' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'TSEH-roh'.
Zero point zero four zero nine
Zero point zero zero eight zero.
Zero point zero zero zero eight four
Marmo italiano
One million. One zero zero zero zero zero zero.