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Q: How do you xxplain five products that will face decreasing demand over the next 10 years?
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decreasing because of the economic decline

Is Push polling a trend that has been decreasing over the years?

No it is not.

Why is the number of positions in some occupations increasing while the number in some other occupations is decreasing?

The demand for the output of occupations changes with changes in our lifestyle, technological changes and so on. To take rather an extreme example, there is little demand nowadays for a person who can sharpen flint to an arrowhead. On the other hand, 100 years ago there were no computer programmers.

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The war years proved to be profitable ones for tuna and other fish packers because of the heavy demand spurred by government requisitions for canned products to feed troops.

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21 years

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Advantages of green marketing?

while ensuring the quality of products with ISO mark,now there is an increasing emphasis on marketing goods that are environment friendly.Such products have ecomark or ISO 14000 certification.Environmental auditors and environmental managers would be in great demand in coming years.

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On average travel agents do not get paid as much as they used to because of the internet and websites which promote a "do it yourself" kind of adventure. Not only do they not get paid as much as before but the overall demand for the job is decreasing, thus less jobs opportunities are available.

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Howard Stern on Demand - 2005 New Years Resolutions was released on: USA: January 2007

Has the number of killings by firearms been getting higher?

No, it has been decreasing for the past 20 or so years.