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It is not clear what units you are referring to. The question software doesn't support many special characters, such as the slash (/), so you will need to edit your question and spell things out. Is the second one BTU per hour (BTU/hr)? For the life of me, I can't figure out what CMH is.

cmh is cubic meter per hour - m3/hr

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Q: How do you you convert CMH to BTUH?
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How can you convert cfm to cmh?

To convert cmh to cfm ..... divide cmh by 1.7 to convert into cfm....

How many ton in 2040 cmh?

To convert from cubic meters per hour (cmh) to tons, you need to know the density of the substance in question. Without the density, it is not possible to provide an accurate conversion from cmh to tons.

How do you convert CFM to CMH?

Cmh = cubic meters per hour cfm = cubic feet per minute m3/hr * 35.3ft3/m3 * hr/60minutes = ft3/minute So, 1 cmh = 0.5883 cfm

How do you convert kmh to cms?

You can do it with two steps. first convert kmh to cmh (centimeter per hour) by duplicate it by 1000. then, convert the cmh to cms (centimeter per second) by divide it by 3600. in other words, you can just multiply the kmh by (10/36) and get the equal value with cms units.

How do you get CMH calculation?

Get it CMH Calculation

When was CMH Records created?

CMH Records was created in 1975.

How do you convert CMH to BTU?

CMH is a unit of flow rate (m3/hr or cubic metres per hour) A BTU is a British Thermal Unit, a unit of energy that is equal to around 1055 joules. You cant convert the two as they are a measure of different things, but changing BTU (or Btu) to joules will help standardise the calculations.

How do you convert cmh to static pressure?

To convert volumetric flow rate in cubic meters per hour (cmh) to static pressure in Pascals (Pa), you will need to know the characteristics of the fan or blower generating the flow. You'll need to refer to the fan curve provided by the manufacturer, which shows the relationship between the volumetric flow rate and the static pressure. By interpolating on the fan curve, you can determine the static pressure corresponding to the given flow rate in cmh.

How many BTUH in 1 ton of air conditioning?

12,000 btuh = 1 ton cooling.

What is the heating value of electricity compared to BTU's?

1 watt = 3.413 Btuh 1 kW = 3413 Btuh

What is the Rheem air conditioner model number RALB036JAZ tonage?

The general rule is for manufacturers to list the capacity of the units in thousands of BTUH. Hence 36,000 btuh divided by 12,000 btuh per ton = 3ton. lc

Where is the destination CMH?

Columbus, Ohio