30.07 is a mixed fraction in decimal form and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number.
1.6 is not a whole number so you cannot write it "in whole number".
13/12 is not a whole number and so you cannot write it as a whole number.
5 is a whole number.
3007 - 578 = 2429
1.6 is not a whole number so you cannot write it "in whole number".
13/12 is not a whole number and so you cannot write it as a whole number.
50000 is a whole number
5 is a whole number.
3007 - 578 = 2429
93000000 is, itself a whole number so you would write it exactly as in the question.
how you write it is 4
80,000Since it is a whole number, there's not really a way to write it as anything else.
It is the whole number 124.
15,000 is already a whole number. A whole number is any number that is not a fraction or decimal. 15,00.96 would not be a whole number, but a decimal.
69.89 to the nearest whole number is 70.