Benchmark Decimals are fractions (decimals) like 0 1/2 1/4 .25 .50 .75 like that!
well it is easy because you know how between every while nomber there is a decimal, like 0.5, and there are fractins, like 1/2. If you look at using decimals, then it is the same thing as using fractins because all decimals equal a fractin like 0.5 = 1/2 or .1 = 1/10, just replace deecimals with fractions and there you have it! Answer is from a girl un-named, Anonymous! ;D
It is 0.5
what do you mean? there is infinity decimals from 1-2 this is how it is: there is 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9 ; but you count diferently, because 1.500000 =1.5 0`s don`t matter unless you right a number after all of them like 1.00000009
Benchmark Decimals are fractions (decimals) like 0 1/2 1/4 .25 .50 .75 like that!
well it is easy because you know how between every while nomber there is a decimal, like 0.5, and there are fractins, like 1/2. If you look at using decimals, then it is the same thing as using fractins because all decimals equal a fractin like 0.5 = 1/2 or .1 = 1/10, just replace deecimals with fractions and there you have it! Answer is from a girl un-named, Anonymous! ;D
It is 0.5
you have to do 1. algebra 2. fractions 3. decimals and more stuff like that
what do you mean? there is infinity decimals from 1-2 this is how it is: there is 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9 ; but you count diferently, because 1.500000 =1.5 0`s don`t matter unless you right a number after all of them like 1.00000009
If you mean 1/2 then it is 0.5 as a decimal
Percents ca n be co nverted to decimals a nd fractio ns. Example: 50% = 0.5 = 50/100 or 1/2
Actually, there is an infinite number of decimals between 0 and 1.
No. All an integer is is a whole number. Like 1 2 3 4 etc. No decimals :)