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Q: How does 72 hours afta pill works?
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Where can you destroy your pregnant?

If you have had unprotected sex then you should take a I Pill in 72 hours, or then have a abortion.

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If you take 100mg pill, it will take about 72 hours to get out of your system.

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72 hours for any pill or liquid drug

Is there a contraceptive pill that works 2 days?

The Morning After Pill does work. It is like a high dose of birth control. It is not a form of abortion. It works within five days of having unprotected sex. The progestin-only emergency contraceptive pills (Plan B One Step, Next Choice) reduce your risk of pregnancy by up to 95% if taken in the first 24 hours or by 88% when taken in the first 72 hours (3 days). They may have some effectiveness up to 120 hours after the accident, but reliable data for the time between 72 and 120 hours is not available.

If you took your last pill at 9 in the evening would is till be in your urine the next morning at 11?

It depends on the pill, but yes. Usually it takes 24-72 hours for it to not show up. And depending on the pill.

Do you have to take the progestin-only pill at the same time every day?

With the progestin-only pill or minipill, you have to use a backup method for 72 hours if you take the pill more than three hours late. The progestin only pills, like Cerazette, Errin, and Micronor, are much less forgiving of irregular pill-taking habits.

Does a 72 hour cancellation clause mean actual 72 hours or 72 business hours?

It means 72 hours not business hours ;)

Is there a pill that you can take up to a week not to get pregnact?

Not after sex no. The morning after pill is available up to 72 hours after and can in rare cases work up to 5 days after sex, and that is before you are pregnant. If you are pregnant only a abortion will do.

85 percent of 72 hours equals?

85% of 72 hours:= 85% * 72= 0.85 * 72= 61.2 hours

What if you take your birth control pill late?

The longer you wait to take the MA Pill the less effective it becomes. In the first 24 hours, Plan B is highly effective. If taken in the first 72 hours (3 days) it drops to 88% up to 120 hours (5 days) about 50% effective.

My sister and me are in an argument. She's pregnant and freaking out. She thinks taking 3 day after pills will kill the baby inside her. She's around 4 months pregnant. Will that kill the baby?

And why is she freaking out? There's no reason for her to take the morning after pill if she's already pregnant. And no it wont do anything. The morning after pill only works for 72 hours after sex which is before you get pregnant.

What is 72 hours from Sunday 9am?

72 hours is exactly 3 days. 72 hours later is Wednesday at 9am. 72 hours earlier is Thursday at 9am.