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They find how many hours of sleep they get each night by using a cook book. Then they cook food. Then they do their math homework with a cook book.

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Q: How does a chef use math on a daily basis?
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Veterinary technicians use math to calculate drug dosages and fluid rates on a daily basis.

What math problems does a chef use?

the measurements that is a chef use are to measure the liquid of the amount of something.

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Veterinary technicians use math on a daily basis for things like calculating drug dosages, fluid rates, constant rate infusions, etc.

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To get into medical school you will need an A-level in MATH or PHYSICS. Pediatrics, like any speciality in medicine uses math on a daily basis for example: -Measuring drug dosage -Monitoring growth and many more things.

How is math used use when working as a chef?

measurements are used when working as a chef. ex: 2 tablespoons of sugar

Use of math in your daily life?

We use 99.9 percent of math in our everyday life.

Is maths compulsory for veterinary?

Yes. Veterinarians use math on a daily basis to understand that statistics in veterinary research and to calculate dosages for veterinary drugs, fluids, etc.

How do a chef use math while cooking?

you use math to make a recipe. ex. 1/2 cup, 1/3 teaspoon, etc.

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