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Q: How does a community shape identity?
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What is it about service to community that gives man-an identity?

The fact is that service to community does not really define man well, it just gives him an identity in the community and everybody knows who he is.

What is it about service to community that gives man an identity?

The fact is that service to community does not really define man well, it just gives him an identity in the community and everybody knows who he is.

Affirmation of identity?

Affirmation of identity is a way that people assert themselves or their community.

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What is the relationship in community and culture?

Community and culture are closely intertwined, as community members often share common values, beliefs, and traditions that shape their cultural identity. Culture can influence how a community interacts, communicates, and makes decisions, while community dynamics can also impact the preservation and evolution of cultural practices within a group. Overall, community and culture are essential components that contribute to the collective identity and social cohesion of a group of people.

How do challenges help us mature and shape our identity?

Challenges in life help us to mature and shape our identity by providing a way for us to find resolutions to problems.

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religious community

How does dialect create our identity?

Dialect can shape our identity by reflecting our cultural background, regional ties, and social experiences. The unique words, pronunciation, and grammar used in a dialect can help to signal our belonging to a particular group or community, giving us a sense of shared identity and belonging. Additionally, using a specific dialect can also influence how others perceive and categorize us, further shaping our self-concept and social identity.

The stories and beliefs about the past that create a shared culture in a community are known as?

These stories and beliefs are known as folklore, myths, or legends, and they help shape the identity and traditions of a community by passing down historical or symbolic information through generations.

List three forces that shape a nation's identity?

Three forces that shape a nation identity, the identity of he individuals inside the nation, (including their beliefs, values, ethnicity, ect.) the geography, (where the nation is located.) and government (political forces within the nation.)

How ethnic Identity and culture can affect community life?

YOU mus tuderstand it

What is the motto of ASEAN?

ONE vision , ONE identity , ONE community