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Q: How does a continuous system differ from a discrete system in the nature of its equation of motion?
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What do you mean by equations of motion?

means motion of equation

How does the equation of motion change for an object moving with uniform motion?

For an object moving with uniform motion, the equation of motion does not change. The equation remains the same as it describes the relationship between an object's position, velocity, and time regardless of whether the motion is uniform or non-uniform. Uniform motion implies constant velocity, so the acceleration term in the equation of motion is zero.

A continuous change in position is called?

a continuous change in position is called Motion

What is nweton first equation of motion?

Newton's first equation of motion states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. In other words, an object will maintain its velocity unless a net external force is applied to change it.

What is the medical term meaning an imaging procedure that displays continuous motion of internal structures and immediate serial images?

Ultrasound displays continuous motion images of internal structures.endoscopy

What is the difference between Lagrange's equation of motion and Euler-Lagrange's equation of motion?

Both are same..just the names are different.

Who has discovered equation of motion?

The equation of motion was originally discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in his laws of motion. These laws describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it.

How do you describe the motion of an object that is by an equation?

The motion of an object described by an equation will depend on the specific equation used. Common equations to describe motion include position, velocity, and acceleration functions. By analyzing these equations, you can determine how the object moves over time, its speed, and its direction of motion.

What is the equation to determine an object in motion?

The equation to determine an object in motion is the equation of motion, which is typically represented as: ( s = ut + \frac{1}{2}at^2 ), where ( s ) is the displacement of the object, ( u ) is the initial velocity, ( a ) is the acceleration, and ( t ) is the time.

What equation connects force and motion?

The equation that connects force and motion is Newton's second law: F = ma, where F is the force applied to an object, m is its mass, and a is its acceleration. This equation quantifies how the force acting on an object influences its motion.

How can you obtain third equation of motion from first equation?

The 1st and 3rd Equation of motion are the same, the force is zero. Thus 0 =force = Sum forces = action + reaction =0

Continuous change in position is called?

Motion is continues change in position...