A face is considered as a plane or surface in Geometry. Think of a pop can, there are two faces on the top and bottom of the can. There is also the label which sits of the body of the can. The body is a surface so it is considered a face as well. For the edges, edges are sharp areas on a surface where two faces meet. Still thinking of the pop can example, the rim on the top and the rim on the bottom of the can are the edges. Thus, a cylinder has 3 faces and two edges.
cylinder has 3 faces,1curved faces,2 flat faces and 2 curved edges
3 faces, 2 edges, no vertices
A cylinder has 3 faces, no vertices and 2 edges.
It has 3 faces, 2 circular edges and no vertices
A cilinder has: 3 faces, 0 corners and 2 edges.
no edges but 3 faces.
Yes, it has 2 edges and 3 faces
cylinder has 3 faces,1curved faces,2 flat faces and 2 curved edges
2 edges
cylinder of course! * * * * * Not, of course! A cylinder has 3 faces!
3 faces, 2 edges, no vertices
There are 2 edges, 0 vertices and 3 faces.
It has 3 faces, 2 circular edges and no vertices
A cylinder has 3 faces, no vertices and 2 edges.
It has 3 faces, 2 circular edges and no vertices
It is a cylinder
A cilinder has: 3 faces, 0 corners and 2 edges.