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To figure out their case... They need to know what things are and where they came from etc.

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Q: How does a detective use math and science?
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Can you use math for science?

yes, we have to use math for science if we don;t know math we can't do science

Does science rarely use math for investigations?

no it always needs math for science. We use math in science about 75% more than we do our science experiments

Why do you use math in engineering?

they use science, engineering, and math to solve math problems for businesses.

What do you use a calculator for in science?

Math stupid

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Do fashion designers work with math or science?

They can use math to find fittings for dimensions of a person's body. I don't think they use science very often, however.

Does a cook use math or science in their jobs?

no a cook use neither

Why is it necessary to use math in science?

Well, because to balance a formula in science, you have to use math to figure out the mass and other stuff like that. You wouldn't be able to do science if you didn't have the algebraic equations. Hope that helped!!!!!

How do store managers use math and science?

Store managers might use math to work out percentages of money made each month,week, etc. I am pretty certain that unless the store has to do with science that a manager wouldn't use science

Did both Kepler and newton use math to?

Yes, they both used math. Most things in science require math.

Why do engineers use math?

Engineering is basically applied science, and many scientific areas require math. (You might also say, "by definition": if an area of work doesn't include lots of science and math, then it wouldn't be called "Engineering".)

What is the inverse of the statement If you like math then you like science?

If I do not like math, then I do not like science.