A fraction represents a part of a whole. Fractions have two parts, the Numerator (top number) and the Denominator (bottom number).
The fraction 3/4 means that you have 3 parts of a whole. The numerator (3) indicates the count of the parts. The denominator (4) indicates the total number of parts.
Fractions can also be seen as division problems. The denominator is also called the divisor. The fraction 3/4 can be represented as the decimal 0.75, if you divide 3 by 4. If dividing the numerator by the denominator, the result will always be a decimal.
To simplify a fraction, you find a number that can be divided by the fraction you are simplifying. sometimes this does not always work and the fraction can not be simplified.
You do nothing: 0.42 is a decimal fraction!
It depends what equation you are trying to work out.
0.125 as a fraction = 0.125 * 1000/1000 = 125/1000 or 1/8
3 into a fraction = 3/1
To simplify a fraction, you find a number that can be divided by the fraction you are simplifying. sometimes this does not always work and the fraction can not be simplified.
You do nothing: 0.42 is a decimal fraction!
It depends what equation you are trying to work out.
Show your work.
258 is not a faction, so you can't work on it with any fraction operations.
2% as a fraction is 1/50 !
0.125 as a fraction = 0.125 * 1000/1000 = 125/1000 or 1/8
0.8375 = 8375/10000 is an equivalent fraction. No additional working is required. The given fraction can be simplified but the question only asked for an equivalent fraction not a fraction in its simplest form.
Say we had 2 ½, so we would work it out like 4⁄4,+ 4⁄4 + ¼ = 9⁄4. The 9⁄4 is the improper fraction.