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Q: How does a negative margin balance work?
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What does Margin Balance mean?

A positive margin balance is the amount owed to you by the brokerage. A negative margin balance is the amount owed to the brokerage by you.

Can the margin of safety ever be negative?

yes it can be negative.

Disadvantage of worklife balance?

A disadvantage of a work life balance can be: work life balance policy such as flextime may not be suitable for everyone e.g. the free riders can have a negative affect on the business or organization.

Can a profit margin ratio be negative?

A profit margin can be negative if the company had a negative net income. For eample if the company had $100,000 in net sales, but their net income was ($10,000) then (10,000)/100,000 = (10%) or negative 10%.

Can a ebitda percentage margin be negative?

Yes, EBITDA Margin can be negative. When a company is positive it is due to good efficiencies processes that have kept certain expenses low. While Negative EBITDA can suggest the contrary.

Negative collected balance?

Negative Collected Balance = Ledger Balance - Float, given Float > Ledger Balance.

Can a self directed IRA have a negative balance?

No, IRAs can not have a negative balance.

What is a margin in commodities trading?

A margin in commodities trading, is the amount of money you have to deposit in your brokerage account before trading a futures contract. The margin amount varies on each commodity and fluctuates with the volatility of the markets. There is an initial margin amount required when entering a contract and "maintenance" margin amount that must be kept in the account at all times during the contract holding period, which is typically lower than the initial margin. The balance of your account will fluctuate with gains and losses on the contract and if the balance falls below the "maintenance margin" amount, you get a "margin call", which means you must deposit enough money to meet the margin or close your contract. If you don't do either of these options, the broker will close the position before the balance falls to zero.

What can be often used to show a negative balance?

The color red shows a negative balance.

what is free margin?

Free Margin is your equity that open to keep your order while price movement negative from your open trade price

What type of profit margin do newsagent shops work with?

20 - 25% margin

Why does tally shows negative balance and how could you be able to modify it?

why does come negative balance in taxation