a numerator is the top number of a fraction and the demonatior is the bottom number of a fraction
You look for common factors in the numerator and the denominator, then divide both the numerator and the denominator by that common factor.
A fraction has a numerator and a denominator.
Denominator = 5, numerator = 18
numerator is 8 denominator is 12
you multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator.
If the numerator is greater than the denominator then it is an improper fraction as for example 5/3 but if the numerator is less than the denominator then it is a common fraction as for example 3/4
When the numerator of a fraction is greater than its denominator then it is classed as an improper fraction as in the example of 5/3
You look for common factors in the numerator and the denominator, then divide both the numerator and the denominator by that common factor.
Do you mean like when you're trying to calculate the value of a variable? You divide the numerator by the denominator? If the operation involves subtracting a numerator from a denominator, then you would be subtracting the numerator.
A fraction has a numerator and a denominator.
you switch the numerator with the denominator then multiply the numerator first then the denominator.
The same numerator as which numerator and the same denominator as which denominator?
No because you have too multiply the numerator and denominator by the the same number to have an equivalent fraction.
numerator by numerator, denominator by denominator
the numerator always has to be less than the denominator and if its equal like 5 to 5 that is 1
"The numerator and denominator are known as the fraction bar.”
When the numerator is equal to the denominator it equals 1 if the numerator is greater than the denominator then you could change it to a mixed number like 3/2 equals 1 1/2