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A complete quadratic equation is expressed in the form ax2+bx+c=0 (for example, 1x2-5x+4=0), and the formula to solve it is x1,2=(-b±√[b2-4ac])/2a {using the numbers from the example:




So the answers will be 4 ([5+3]/2) and 1 ([5-3]/2).}

An incomplete quadratic equation can be expressed in two forms: ax2+bx=0 and ax2+c=0. The first form is solved by taking x (in some cases, x multiplied by a number that both a and b can be divided by, like in the next example) out of the two numbers, making the equation x(ax+b)=0. Then, either the outcome of the brackets (in the next example, the outcome of the brackets is x+1, so if x+1=0, then x=-1) or the x multiplying them needs to be zero in order for the equation to be correct, for example:





Or by taking out just x:





The second form is solved like a regular equation, for example:





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Q: How does an incomplete quadratic equation differ from a complete quadratic equation?
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How does the slope of a linear equation differ from the slope of a quadratic equation?

i dont know 8x+5y=89

How would solving a literal equation differ from a one or two step equation?

The difference is that first you have to understand the problem and translate it into an equation (or equations).

How do the characteristics and equations of a circle differ from those of a parabola?

In its standard form, the equation of a circle is a quadratic in both variables, x and y, whereas a parabola is quadratic in one (x) and liner in the other (y). A circle is a closed shape and comprises the locus of all points that are equidistant from one given point (the centre). A parabola is an open shape and comprises the locus of all points that are the same distance from a a straight line (the directrix) and a point not on that line (the focus).

What is the relationship between the hyperbola equation and the equation for the hyperbola asymptotes?

If the equation of a hyperbola is ( x² / a² ) - ( y² / b² ) = 1, then the joint of equation of its Asymptotes is ( x² / a² ) - ( y² / b² ) = 0. Note that these two equations differ only in the constant term. ____________________________________________ Happy To Help ! ____________________________________________

How does a function differ from an equation?

A function is a rule to calculate a variable, based on one or more other variables. It may be written as an equation, but unlike a generic equation, in a function, for every value of the input variables, it may ONLY have ONE result.

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The difference is that first you have to understand the problem and translate it into an equation (or equations).

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In its standard form, the equation of a circle is a quadratic in both variables, x and y, whereas a parabola is quadratic in one (x) and liner in the other (y). A circle is a closed shape and comprises the locus of all points that are equidistant from one given point (the centre). A parabola is an open shape and comprises the locus of all points that are the same distance from a a straight line (the directrix) and a point not on that line (the focus).

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If the equation of a hyperbola is ( x² / a² ) - ( y² / b² ) = 1, then the joint of equation of its Asymptotes is ( x² / a² ) - ( y² / b² ) = 0. Note that these two equations differ only in the constant term. ____________________________________________ Happy To Help ! ____________________________________________

How does a function differ from an equation?

A function is a rule to calculate a variable, based on one or more other variables. It may be written as an equation, but unlike a generic equation, in a function, for every value of the input variables, it may ONLY have ONE result.

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