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Q: How does calculating the average get a more reliable result?
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What was an important result of neolithic revolution?

Food supplies became more reliable.

How does calculating the average reading help to get a more accurate set of data?

This is due to the Law of Large Numbers. According to this law, the average of a set of numbers is more likely to be closer to the true average.

What is one way the results of an investigation can be more reliable?

An investigation which is conducted under strictly controlled and monitored conditions is likely to result in mor reliable investigations.

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Where can one find more information about calculating your GPA?

One can find information about calculating his Grade Point Average on sites like WikiHow or PossibilityU. One can also ask his college to calculate his GPA.

Why Peer review important when publishing experimental results?

peer review makes the result more reliable

Is 6 days late and got a negative result when can you test again?

3 years later Home tests are not reliable, go see a clinic or doctor for more reliable tests.

If it is not time for a girl's period but she takes the pregnancy test anyway and gets a negative result is it accurate and reliable?

No. Most pregnancy tests are much more reliable once the period has been missed.

Why do you need to collect more data to obtain reliable data?

The more data you have, the more accurate your information. If you have a large amount of evidence of one result, it makes it look correct.

Why is it possible to have a reliable measure that is not valid but impossible to have a valid measure that is not reliable?

A reliable measure is consistent and yields consistent results, so it may not be measuring the intended construct accurately (lack validity). On the other hand, a valid measure accurately assesses the intended construct, but it must be consistent and produce stable results (reliable) to ensure that the measurements are dependable and trustworthy.

What is the name of the average of two or more numbers?

When you add two numbers together and divide that number by the 2, the result is the average.

What is the economic term that describes the increased benefit or satisfaction you will enjoy as a result of consuming one more of something?

The economic term that describes the increased benefit or satisfaction we the peopleÊwill enjoy as a result of consuming more than one of something is called as marginal benefit. It gives the extra benefit gained in the consumption of one more unit and works better than calculating the average benefit, in this case.