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Q: How does capacitors in input side function?
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What is the function of input and output coupling capacitors CC1 and CC2?

We don't know much about the circuit these capacitors are in, but they are coupling capacitors. Coupling capacitors isolate DC between stages or circuits, and they couple AC between those circuits or stages. Only the signal gets in and goes out. The DC the stage operates on is isolated from stage to stage.

Why to short circuit capacitor in small signal analysis of BJT?

if the input signal passes through the biasing resistors, the biasing conditions get altered . To prevent this, the input signal should be directly sent to the amplifier (BJT) .Since a capacitor acts as a short circuit for ac signals,capacitors are placed both in the input side and the output side.

What are the function of input?

the function of input is f(x).

What is an unpolarized capacitor?

A capacitor that does not have a designated + and - side. Electrolytic capacitors are usually polarized. Ceramic capacitors are not.

Why the two capacitors must have their positive terminal toward the transistor in the amplified circuit?

they don't; it's just a convention capacitors include polarized and non-polarized with non-polarized one, no one will know if you soldered it in backward; it's exactly the same polarized ones can be damaged by a backward voltage (but simply lining up plus/plus and minus/minus is not any guarantee) The positive side of electrolytic capacitors blocks the dc current entering. In the input and output side,the positive side opposes the Vcc supply (dc).

A function takes the exponential function's output and returns the exponential function's input?

A __________ function takes the exponential function's output and returns the exponential function's input.

What number will the function return if the input is 12.2?


Why don't capacitors allow DC current to pass?

A capacitor allows AC (to pass through) because capacitors resist a change in voltage.. The capacitor need change resist in Input signal

The value that results from the substitution of a given input into an expression or function?

The value that results from the substitution of a given input into an expression or function is the output. The value substituted into an expression or function is an input.

What type of function maps an input onto itself?

A function that maps an input onto itself is called an identity function. In other words, the output of the function is the same as the input. The identity function is represented by the equation f(x) = x.

Other names for input of a function?

other names for the input of a function are: 1. x 2. domain

A table organizing the input rule output of a function?

a table organizing the input rule output of a function