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A better equation would be dE=dm*c2 showing that a change in mass is equivalent to a change in energy

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Q: How does e equals mc2 show that matter can produce energy?
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All food pyramids show that the matter of energy in a food chain?


What occurs when energy is tranferred from light waves to matter?

When energy is transferred from light waves to matter, the photons in the light waves are absorbed by electrons in the matter, causing the electrons to move to a higher energy state. This can lead to various effects such as heating the matter (as in infrared radiation), exciting electrons to create light (as in fluorescence), or triggering chemical reactions (as in photosynthesis).

What is an example of another analogy The could be used to show the relationship between energy and the cycles of matter?

Energy and matter can be likened to a battery and a device: energy powers the device (matter) through cycles of use and recharge. Just as the battery provides the necessary energy for the device to function, energy fuels the cycles of matter in various processes such as photosynthesis, metabolism, and decomposition in ecosystems.

Why did Einstein make E equals mc2?

Because, in his theory, he wanted to show that energy always has mass.

All food chains show that the matter and energy in a food chain?

Decrease in higher levels.

What did Einstein show about matter and energy?

Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, shows that matter and energy are interchangeable and can be transformed into each other. This groundbreaking concept paved the way for understanding nuclear energy and revolutionized our understanding of the relationship between matter and energy in the universe.

All food pyramids show that the matter and energy in a food chain?

The catagories are Vegetables, Fruits, Oils, Meats, and Dairy

How does Einstein equation show that very little matter is needed by the sun to generate energy?

It doesn't really. The equation E = MC2 refers to the total conversion of matter into pure energy. The sun does not convert matter directly into energy, it combines atoms of hydrogen together to form helium. This is just a nuclear fusion reaction and doesn't have anything to do with Einstein's equations.

What is the energy transformation in a digital clock?

In a digital clock, electrical energy from the battery or power outlet is transformed into light energy in the form of the display. The clock uses electronic components to process the electrical energy and produce the output of light to show the time.

Do ecological pyramids show the relative amount of energy or matter contained within each trophic level in a given food web?

Ecological pyramids show the relative amount of energy or biomass stored at each trophic level in a food web. They illustrate the decrease in energy or biomass as it moves up the trophic levels due to inefficiencies in energy transfer.

Can you show me pictures of a producer in science?

I can't display images, but a producer in science would typically refer to a researcher, scientist, or engineer who designs experiments, conducts studies, and generates new knowledge or technology in their field of expertise. Examples of producers in science could include lab technicians, data analysts, or principal investigators.

What is the definition of the Matter-energy Continuum?

The matter-energy continuum is the concept that matter and energy are interchangeable and can be converted into each other according to Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. This idea suggests that matter and energy are different forms of the same fundamental substance.