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Q: How does education both unite and divide people?
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Does music divide or unite People?

bit a both

Does religion divide or unite a society?

It can do both. The Muslims and Christians in Africa and the Middle East don't get along, but in Europe and the US they do a better job of it.

Does language unify or divide people?

Language can both unify and divide people. It can unify by facilitating communication, understanding, and connection among individuals. However, language differences, misunderstandings, and barriers can also lead to division and miscommunication. It ultimately depends on how language is used and interpreted in different contexts.

How did growth in the west help both to unite and to divide the country?

the growth made those problems worse. Within one person's lifetime, the countrywas born and came to the edge of death.

Which of these statements identifies a similarity between Saladin and Joan of Arc?

APEX: Both helped unite large groups for military actions.

How does language both unite and divide?

Language can unite people by allowing them to communicate, share ideas, and build relationships. However, language can also divide people when different languages create barriers to understanding and communication, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. Differences in language can contribute to the formation of distinct cultural identities and group boundaries.

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a hortative sentence is a sentence that advises or calls people to action. Let both sides explore what problems unite us.

How do you turn 0.3125 into a fraction?

0.3125 = 3,125/10,000 Divide both by 5 = 625/2,000 Divide both by 5 = 125/400 Divide both by 5 = 25/80 Divide both by 5 = 5/16

Why in village areas of Pakistan women can not education?

mostly people think that education is not important for women. they think that what they will do after getting an education .where as in quran it is been said that education is important for both men and women

What signs are aloud for divide?

Both ÷ and / mean divide.

Do the Japanese people have an extremely high rate on education particularly for males?

Yes they do for both males and females.

What is 45 over 144 simplified?

divide both by 3 15/48 divide both by 3 5/16