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Q: How does emigration affect the birth and death rate of a country?
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What are four factors that affect the size of population?

1) Death 2) Birth 3) Emigration 4) Immigration

What are four factors that affect mortality rate?

Immigration, emigration, birth rate, death rate

What does population influence?

Hey... Um-mm the answer is the two factor that affect population size is emigration and immigration. The diff of emigration and immigration is that emigration is when you leave some way for an ex Mexico, When Mexican leave there country they are emigrating. And when they come in to the US They are immigrate. :)

What are the major causes of pulation growth?

birth death migration/emigration

What factors affect a populations growth?

Some of the factors include: -Population Momentum -Affluence -Technology -Whether or not a country is Developing/Developed -Disease -Immigration and Emigration -Respect for Women ( countries that treat women as second-class citizens often have higher fertility rates) -Epideimiologic Transition -Birth Rate -Death Rate

What is three causes that cause population growth?

birth death migration/emigration

How do you calculate emigration rate?

You can calculate a country's immigration rate in a manner similar to the calculation of birth and death rates. The immigration rate for Canada is 7/1000 (0.7%)

What are four main characteristics of a population?

Birth Rate, Death Rate, Immigration, Emigration

How do birth rate and death rate affect a country's population?

If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population increases. If the death rate is higher than the birth rate, the population decreases.

What are the four criteria for a population?

Population density, Immigration, Emigration Exponential Growth

What factors do you think affect your country's population growth in cuba?

death rate birth rate

Identify the four processes that determine population growth:  immigration, birth, emigration, and death, and explain the impact of each on population size. (14.3)?

Immigration and birth increase the population size as they are bringing more individuals into the population. While death and emigration decrease the population because death kills off individuals while emigration is a process in which individuals leave/exit the population.