Using Geometry, you can figure out how most things will look like when produced. Like, for example, you will need to know the angle of a door when it is opened all the way, so it doesn't block another door way.
quadratic formula is used often
Engineering Construction Carpenter Flooring. architecture, sports, surgery....
Analytic geometry.
Aristotle considered geometry one of the most important sciences, and did some work with point and line planar geometry. He also used geometry as a way into sciences where he did more work, like optics and mechanics.
Euclid's work was geometry, many jobs use geometry such as engineers and architecture
Architecture, constuction, Math teachers, and many others.
it helps you in life and in architecture
When you are designing something you have to have all the correct angles and that is where the geometry kicks in.
In architecture, engineering, drawing etc, geometry can be very important.
Geometry and some algebra
Geometry is used in jobs like carpentry, architecture, and more. It was invented by Euclid ,the Greek mathematician.
mathematics,geometry,engineering,and architecture !!
quadratic formula is used often
example ;car
mathematics,geometry,engineering,and architecture !!