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Q: How does having a large surface area help the plant photosynthesise?
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What does a plant do to live?

photosynthesise and phototropism

What does a plant give out when it photosynthesise?

a plant gives out carbon dioxide

If a plant has no leaves what can't it do?

it cant photosynthesise

Is plant photosynthesise faster with light?


Does a plant photosynthesise at night?

Plants donot photosynthesise at night because they do not have sunlight which is essential for it. So they release carbon-di-oxide at night.

Does a maple need sun?

Yes, a maple is a plant and requires sunlight to photosynthesise.

How does a coconut tree photosynthesise?

the same as any other green autotrophic plant

What plants photosynthesise?

None. What makes a plant a plant is its ability to make its own food through the process of photosynthesis.

Which part of the pitcher plant absorbs sunlight?

The entire "pitcher" of the Pitcher plant contains chlorophyll is green and can photosynthesise

How does a cattus photosythesise?

Cattus, which is likely a misspelling of "cat", do not photosynthesize. Cats are carnivores and obtain energy by consuming other organisms, primarily through a diet of meat. Photosynthesis is a process performed by plants and some bacteria to convert sunlight into energy.

What kind of cell does photosynthesise take place in?

plant cells, those containing chlorophyll.

What happens when you put a plant in a freezer for a week?

a plant needs constant sunlight to photosynthesise and produce its food. without it it would die.