

How does inclined planes help us?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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12y ago

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It is important when a heavy load is above the ground level, let's say the fridge on the truck which can not just be thrown to the ground so you need an incline plane for safety

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What are some examples of incline planes?

Some examples of inclined planes are kicker ramps used in skateboarding. Another example of an inclined plane is an angled driveway. The sides of a pyramid make inclined planes.

Are inclined planes straight up and down?

no they are leaning which is why they are called inclined planes

What do you trade to get force to help you lift things with inclined planes?

time and distance.

How are inclined planes different from screws?

Inclined planes are flat surfaces that are angled to help lift objects with less force, while screws are inclined planes wrapped around a cylinder. The primary difference is that screws also have threads that allow them to fasten objects together by rotating into a material.

How can an inclined plane help move object?

Inclined planes have gravity to help them if the object is to be moved down the plane. If they are flat planks on inclined planes, they could be used with fulcrums to move them (like a "teeter totter") That's how they built the pyramids. Billy-carts roll down an incline plane

Who invented inclined planes?

The inclined plane is a simple machine known to us since ancient times, so it's impossible to tell when/where it was first used.

What machine belong to the inclined family?

Machines in the inclined family include inclined planes, wedge, screw, and roller. These machines use an inclined surface to help reduce the force needed to move an object.

What is some inclined planes you use everyday?

Some inclined planes would be a wheelchair ramp, or a binder.

What kind of inclined plane are there?

There are many kinds of inclined planes. Some examples are: driveways, slide, and a ramp. There are many kinds of inclined planes. Some examples are: driveways, slide, and a ramp.

Who is a scientist who contributed to inclined planes?

The inclined plane is one of the "five simple machines" known from antiquity.Some people who contributed to the science of inclined planes are:Heron of AlexandriaGalileo GalileiDid the Greek philosopher Archimedes contribute to inclined planes?

What are some incline planes?

Some examples of inclined planes are kicker ramps used in Skateboarding. Another example of an inclined plane is an angled driveway. The sides of a pyramid make inclined planes.

What kind of simple machine is a ramp?

inclined plainA ramp is an example of an inclined plane(:A ramp is an inclined planeincline planeA ramp belongs under the simple machine category of inclined planes. Inclined planes are sloping or slanting in figure which allows less effort to be exerted or applied, making work easier. The ramp has one end raised up to help raise an object, rather pushing a certain object than lifting it. Other examples of inclined planes other than the ramp are the stairs. When two inclined planes are put back to back, another simple machine called the wedge.