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Q: How does inequality of wealth hurt our democracy?
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How did persistent inequality contribute to the failure of democracy in the young Latin American nations?

Persistent inequality in Latin American nations led to a concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few elites, undermining the principles of democracy. This created a disconnect between the ruling class and the majority of the population, leading to social unrest, corruption, and a lack of trust in democratic institutions. The failure to address these underlying inequalities contributed to the erosion of democracy in the region.

How is it possible that Poverty and Inequality continues in a supposed wealth producing world?

Because the wealth is given to very few. It being human nature not to share something good, inequality is created and since the wealth is never given to the poor, so is poverty.

What type of consumption reflects economic inequality and contributes to social inequity?

Conspicuous consumption.Which refers to spending on expensive goods and services in order to signal wealth to others. The correlation between wealth and superiority is one way economic inequality can lead to social inequality.

What are the issue related with income distribution?

Corruption, wealth inequality, illiteracy.

How does inequality affect democracy in America?

People with different levels of wealth in the United States have different levels of ability to influence the political system and different levels of ability to increase their own economic stature. As a result, without a counterbalance, the wealthier individuals will have an unequal ability to influence policy and to draw wealth out from the poorer population.

What does spatial inequality mean?

An unequal distribution or wealth or resources over a geographic area

Define spatial inequality?

A:unequal distributions of wealth and resources in a specific geographic area

What is a condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth prestige or power?

Social inequality is a condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power. This can lead to disparities in opportunities and resources among individuals or groups within the society.

What is Andrew Carnegie's perspective on wealth and inequality in industrial society?

Andrew Carnegie believed in the concept of "the Gospel of Wealth," which argued that wealthy individuals had a responsibility to use their wealth to benefit society. He believed that inequality was natural in society but could be justified if the wealthy used their resources for the greater good. He emphasized the importance of philanthropy and believed that the wealthy should donate their wealth for the betterment of society.

What two things hurt democracy?

Republicans and Corporations.

What ideology believes the government should be a democracy but with enforced distribution of wealth?


Which ideology believe the government should be a democracy but with enforced distribution of wealth?
