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Q: How does its camouflage also represent the form fit function?
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How does a mantid's camouflage represent the form fits function theme?

It represents it making it hard for them to be found when a predator is trying to eat them or capture them. When they camouflage, it makes them hard to see. So if the predator cannot find them they are safe. At least that's what i put on my homework.

How is mimcry different form camouflage?

Mimcry is copying an animal and camouflage is copying a surrounding :)

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Do warthogs have colors for a reason?

A form of camouflage.

What is 11 4ths in simplest form?

11/4 is in its simplest form. You could also represent it as 2¾

What is caouflage?

caouflage is an incorrect spelling of camouflage. Camouflage is any form of disguise that causes the wearer to blend in with the background and be harder to see.

What is exponential function?

"The" exponential function is ex. A more general exponential function is any function of the form AeBx, for any non-xero constants "A" and "B". Alternately, Any function of the form CDx (for constants "C" and "D") would also be considered an exponential function. You can change from one form to the other.

How and why the walking leaf uses camouflage?

To hide form it's predator.

Why are US navy ships grey in color?

it is basic form of camouflage.

What is the adverb of represent?

The adverb form of "represent" is "representatively."

What color is a hatchet fish?

A hatchet fish can be silver or metallic with a hint of gold or green on its body. Its coloration can also change based on its environment as a form of camouflage.

What is the Cobb-Douglas function?

In economics, the Cobb-Douglas production function is a particular functional form of the production function, widely used to represent the technological relationship between the amounts of two or more inputs, particularly physical capital and labor, and the amount of output that can be produced by those inputs.