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Q: How does march of dimes hepl people?
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How and why was March of Dimes created?

The March of Dimes is a walk that helps people with paralysis dieseases.

What does the march of dimes do with the money after they get it?

They use it to help people who get polio.

When was March of Dimes created?

March of Dimes was created in 1938.

What does the March of Dimes stand for 21st century?

march of dimes is very nice

Why was the march of dimes created?

The purpose of the march of dimes was to raise money for research on curing or preventing poliomyelitis.

What is alabamas state march?

it would be the march of dimes

What are proposals?

A proposal is a plan before doing the final draft or it is a plan given in a business or group in order to see what will happen. here is an example of a proposal. I created it for FBLA March of Dimes events. MARCH OF DIMES March of Dimes is an important project of FBLA's. Our FBLA chapter is fundraising in order to promote and spread the news about March of Dimes and its cause. Our target audience is mostly our school. Students in our school should know about the terrible problems with premature births. PROJECTS projects of our March of Dimes Projects are: · Sale of wrist bands: By getting wristbands form state FBLA chapter, we plan on fundraising for March of Dimes. By selling wristbands, people will be more aware of March of Dimes and help out more with the cause. We expect to do these projects in the months of March and April. OBJECTIVES · TO raise awareness IN OUR COMMUNITY AND SCHOOL TO the problem of prematurity · iNCREASE MEMBER PARTICIPATION IN mARCH OF DIMES · FUNDRAISE MONEY TO SUPPORT TO HELP SAVE BABIES BUDGET · Most of our funding will come from our treasury. The members will also contribute. By conducting our March of Dimes project, we expect people in our school and community to know more about premature births and the contributions of March of Dimes. FBLA-PBL can replicate our Saving Babies Everywhere Project by creating a similar card designs and being able to sell them around in schools and communities. People who contribute can then be recognized; names of those who donated can go on the March of Dimes website or FBLA-PBL website with their permission.

How does the physical environment of regions affect the people who live there?

hepl me answer my question

Where did march of dimes start?


What does the March of Dimes have to do with science?

a zebra?

What is the March of Dimes?

The March of Dimes was founded in 1938 by president Franklin D. Rossevelt.

Why is drug treatment important in today's society?

because people need hepl now