Math relates to fashion designing in many ways. The ability to make accurate measurements is a skill that a fashion designer must have. They must also be able to manage a budget, which involves many math skills.
measuring :))))))))
it would be desighning something in a 2d plane.. such as drwaing on a peeice of paper or desighning with a 2d programing. as long as your not modeling in 3d using auto cad maya or another 3d desighner its 2d desighn.
that fashion design takes a lot of work and takes to much work it's takes a lot of math work
mode in math means that the number that has appeared up the most is the answer. a good way to remember that is THE MODE OF FASHION, so what is the most popular or what appears the most tmes is the fashion.
Math does help with fashion designing cause you need geometrie (translation, rotations and reflexion if you wanna your clothes in 3D). You also have to learn how to mesure. example if you wanna mesure how much fabric you need.
What are the advantages for being a fashion designer?
Math relates to fashion designing in many ways. The ability to make accurate measurements is a skill that a fashion designer must have. They must also be able to manage a budget, which involves many math skills.
for fashion show models.. they use math for counting their money..
measuring :))))))))
fashion can help culture in a lot of ways
you get math help by getting a tutor to help you in math.
it would be desighning something in a 2d plane.. such as drwaing on a peeice of paper or desighning with a 2d programing. as long as your not modeling in 3d using auto cad maya or another 3d desighner its 2d desighn.
go to hell
Math, Reading, and Creativity