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Q: How does mr. escalante used to keep his students interested in the class?
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Keep his students interested

Should students be able to talk about dating and parties in school?

Yes, but not in class when there is teaching going on. I tell students to have their conversations on their time not mine. When students are talking in class when instruction is going on they are taking away the right of another person in class to learn. So, keep your conversation to lunch, breaks, or after school.

What can keep you interested in school?

If you have a favorite subject that should keep you interested. Like for me I like History, I am interested in learning and listening to it. I hope this answer helps you.

Four Classroom Management Tips for a Beginning Teacher?

By Dr. Alicia Holland-JohnsonIndividuals that have graduated or finished their alternative teaching program should consider using these three classroom management tips. They are the following:Establish Procedures: There should be procedures in place for how individuals want their students to ask for assistance, turn in assignments, and keep order in their classrooms. For instance, a suggested procedure for turning assignments in would be to have labeled plastic bins for each classroom. This would help students know that they have a designed place to turn in their work.Allow Students to Decorate: Teachers should save themselves some time. They should let their students decorate the classroom and save time to plan engaging lessons to keep their students interested in the lessons presented in class. There may be some areas that may need to be decorated by the teacher, but students do need the opportunity to express themselves. After all, it is their classroom too. This technique will cut down on classroom disruptions and maximize time for teachers to plan lessons.Maintain Control in Class: Do not let your students see you in distress! Try using your normal voice at all times to keep control of the class. In the event that you need to raise your voices, students will know that their behaviors are not favorable. This strategy keeps the teacher out of trouble and this type of demeanor goes a long way with students and parents.Establish a Dismissal Procedure: Depending on the day, students will definitely want to rush out the classroom, especially if they have lunch the next period. Given this reality, it is in the teacher’s best interest to let students know when they can be dismissed from class. A good phrase to use is the following: The teacher dismisses you, not the bell or the clock.These four tips will definitely keep your classroom engaged and orderly so that students can truly learn the information that they need in their classes.

How do you show a guy your interested in them enough to keep him interested?

just be yourself around him

How do you keep a boy interested?

ignore him

How do you keep kids interested?

You can keep kids interested in something by making it fun. Change things often, while keeping it fun.

Do all students know how to keep safe on the internet?

some students know how to keep safe but there is a 50 50 chance they know how to keep safe

How do you keep a woman interested?

heh heh...

What do you do if you're deeply in love and scared about losing him?

Keep him close and interested but each deeply in love is different so it matters what age you are...if your 13 almost 14 like me just keep him close and interested and if your 19 and older then keep him REALLY INTERESTED if you catch my drift.

Why should you keep your class rooms clean?

For Healthy atmosphere and sorroundings you need to keep your class rooms clean.

Why do you keep snake and turtle in same class?

We keep turtle and snake in same class because both are reptiles.