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Multiplication is the same as repeated addition.

For example

12 * 3 = 12 + 12 + 12

12 * 4 = 12 + 12 + 12 + 12

and so on.

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Q: How does multiplication of integers compared to addition or subtraction of integers?
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What operations are closed for integers?

Addition, subtraction and multiplication.

How could you use addition subtraction division and multiplication of integers outside the classroom?

When you do your homework at home.

What is the fundamental operation of integers?

Parenthesis Exponent Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction PEMDAS ( the multiplication and division is based on which of them comes FIRST )

What are the numbers in division mutliplication addition subtraction?

You can have counting number in multiplication and addition. All integers are in multiplication, addition and subtraction. All rational numbers are in all four. Real numbers, complex numbers and other larger sets are consistent with the four operations.

What is the set of whole numbers closed by?

If you mean the set of non-negative integers ("whole numbers" is a bit ambiguous in this sense), it is closed under addition and multiplication. If you mean "integers", the set is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication.

How are addition and subtraction of integers related?

Addition and subtraction are inverse functions.

What is the definition of radical number?

A radical integer is a number obtained by closing the integers under addition, multiplication, subtraction, and root extraction.

How is the subtraction of integers relate to the addition of integers subtraction?

they both have something to do with positive and negative

What is arthmetic?

Arithmetic (watch the spelling) refers to the basic math taught in primary school: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of integers, fractions, and decimals.

What is the integer rule for combining integers with different signs?

The answer depends on which binary operation you mean when you say "combining". Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, etc.

What does Distributive Property Integer mean in math?

It means nothing, really. The distributive property is a property of multiplication over addition or subtraction. It has little, if anything, to do with integers.

What property links multiplication and addition?

The set of integers is closed with respect to multiplication and with respect to addition.