Fractions help with numbers that are not whole numbers.
It is easier to simply add two one-digit numbers than to mess about with estimation!
You are asked to put the fractions on a number line to help you understand fractions. It isn't so much you will use a number line " in real life" but it gives you a visual representation to help you learn. You will use fractions for many things in life. Just do what what you are asked to do by your teacher they have a reason. You are not the only student in the class and others may need a bit extra assignments to help them understand. Go with the flow. Not all things in life will relate to "real life."
it helps you find the distance between fractions because the new name should be an equivalent fraction. Therefore it should be able to be divided\multiplied by 2 to make the original number.
Estimating will give an indication of the order of magnitude of the answer. The decimal point determines the order of magnitude.
Decimals are fractions. Fractions are easy to picture graphically. Considering them in a concrete fashion makes the basic operations of addition and subtraction easy to visualize.
what fractions?
Yes it can help.
Estimating will help you if taking a multiple choice math test with limited time. You can choose the answer which is closest to the number you estimated.
Fractions help with numbers that are not whole numbers.
Asumming you mean estimating software for various contracting jobs, it can help you by giving you a ballpark figure of what to charge for the job.
It is easier to simply add two one-digit numbers than to mess about with estimation!
Fractions greater than 1 are to the right of 1 and fractions less than 1 are to its left.
It can help by when finding the LCD (Least Common Denominator) you find the least number they have in common then that number is your equivalent fraction.
You are asked to put the fractions on a number line to help you understand fractions. It isn't so much you will use a number line " in real life" but it gives you a visual representation to help you learn. You will use fractions for many things in life. Just do what what you are asked to do by your teacher they have a reason. You are not the only student in the class and others may need a bit extra assignments to help them understand. Go with the flow. Not all things in life will relate to "real life."
it helps you find the distance between fractions because the new name should be an equivalent fraction. Therefore it should be able to be divided\multiplied by 2 to make the original number.
There is some free software that one can use with construction estimating. The software Construct Now is software available for free that can help with estimations.