

How does organisms get bigger?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: How does organisms get bigger?
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organ is bigger

Do cells get bigger if in a bigger organizem?

Generally not. A larger organisms simply has more cells

What are three ways that most sea organisms get their food?

well usually most sea organisms get their food from algae in the sea and the bigger their organism the bigger their food. hope i helped

What is bigger bacteria or viruses?

In this case, bacteria can grow more and divide into more organisms, but fungus, however, can grow into mushrooms that are bigger than organisms. so in opinion, it is fungus.

What are the levels of organization that are bigger than organisms?

organ system

Do bigger cells have bigger organisms?

Bigger animals are bigger because they have more cells not bigger cells. You would think that this would be so, but cells can only function up to a certain size. So, no, they are not.

Do organisms have molecules?

Yes. Everything that is bigger than molecules is made of molecules.

Bigger more complicated creatures will have more what than simpler ones?

Bigger, more complicated creatures typically have more advanced biological functions, such as specialized organs and complex physiological systems, to support their larger size and complexity. They may also have greater behavioral and cognitive capabilities to navigate their environment and interact with other organisms. Additionally, these organisms often have more diverse and specialized adaptations to survive in their respective ecosystems.

Is a ecosystems bigger than the organism?

Yes ecosystems are the environments the organisms live in.

Do unicellular organisms development?

Unicellular organisms develop, but only their one cell, and getting bigger. That is pretty much all the developing a unicellular organism will do.

It has been said that all life is aquatic?

Yes we all started out underwater as little organisms, and over time we adapted to the environment and evovled into bigger organisms. So after a long period of time we grew and grew into bigger organisms, then we started to immagrate to different areas and evolved to live there and that's what happend