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Sometimes when turning a corner you have walk through 90 degrees or crossing a rectangular field you'd take the shortest distance across it which is its hypotenuse.

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Q: How does pythagorean theorem relate in your daily life?
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When do you use Pythagorean Theorem in real life situations?

While doing your homework, or on mapping, or for distance.

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If you are packing items into a box, you can use square roots along with Pythagorean theorem to help determine if a smaller box could work with items packed diagonally.

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What is an example of how the Pythagorean Theorem might be used in real life?

it can be used when adding up the sides of a computer toaster

Where in life will you use the Pythagorean theorem?

In comparing the effect of focal lengths in digital cameras with different sized sensors.

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In what ways is the Pythagorean Theorem useful?

In real life its not useful, unless you're going to need geometry in the career you choose.

What uses the pathagorean theorem in real life?

You work as a house painter. When you set up your ladder, you like to set the base 5-ft from the wall, for stability. How high on the wall can you reach with a 12-ft ladder ? With a 15-ft ladder ? With a 30-ft ladder ? ============================================================== The question is not: Can the Pythagorean Theorem help you in real life ? The question is: Is your life real enough yet that you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to make it easier ?

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How do you use binomial theorem in daily life?

You don't, unless you work in engineering. The Wikipedia article on "binomial theorem" has a section on "Applications".

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in alot of ways