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Even in a rotating restaurant, the kitchen would be located in the non-rotating center. If you had a kitchen on a rotating platform, the centrigugal forces would cause a certain amount of spillage and generally would make it harder to control the ingredients.

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Q: How does speed and velocity affect cooking?
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A change in speed may not affect the velocity of the rover if the change in speed happens in a direction perpendicular to the current velocity vector. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so changes in speed alone may not affect the overall velocity if the direction remains constant.

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Friction can affect an object's speed by reducing it over time, as it acts in the opposite direction to the object's motion. However, friction does not directly affect an object's velocity which is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction.

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None, velocity is the speed at which something moves, they are the same thing

What forces can affect an objects velocity but not the speed?

Centripetal forces can.

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Different words for same thing

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Work habits affect success in cooking because cooking is a disciplinary art. Habits will help cooking if they involve good speed, consistency, and cleanliness.

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The shape of an object does not affect its velocity because velocity is determined solely by the object's speed and direction of motion. The shape of an object may affect other factors such as air resistance or aerodynamics, which can influence how quickly the object slows down or changes direction, but it does not directly affect its velocity.

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No, the color of a laser does not affect the velocity of the light wave it emits. The speed of light in a vacuum is a constant value and is not influenced by the color of the light source.

How speed increase with velocity?

Speed increases in a linear relationship with velocity. As velocity increases, speed also increases proportionally. This relationship is true for objects moving in a straight line at a constant acceleration.

Does speed affect acceleration?

Yes, speed does affect acceleration. Acceleration is the rate at which an object changes its velocity, so if an object is already moving at a higher speed, it will require more acceleration to increase its speed further.

How does distance and time affect the speed?

if the time is invcreasing the velocity increases too and depends on the distance to reach a high speed.

How can acceleration affect velocity?

Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes. If an object experiences acceleration in the same direction as its velocity, its speed will increase. If acceleration is in the opposite direction of velocity, the object will slow down. Changes in acceleration can also affect the direction of velocity, causing the object to change direction.