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Q: How does surface area affect lift and drag?
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How does extending the wing flaps effect lift and drag?

Extending the wing flaps increases the wing surface area, which can increase lift at lower speeds by creating more lift-producing air pressure. However, the increased surface area also increases drag by creating more drag-inducing air resistance. Overall, extending wing flaps is a trade-off between increasing lift for lower speeds and increasing drag, which can impact fuel efficiency and performance.

How does angle of attack affect lift and drag?

A higher angle of attack has an increase of both lift and drag.

How does the shape of the blade affect a paper helicopter?

The shape of the blade of a paper helicopter can affect its flight by influencing factors such as lift and drag. Blades with a larger surface area or more angled design may generate more lift, while blades with a streamlined shape may reduce drag, resulting in longer flight times. Experimenting with different blade shapes can help optimize the performance of a paper helicopter.

How will different styles of wings affect how far a paper airplane will fly?

Different styles of wings can affect a paper airplane's flight distance by changing factors such as lift and drag. Wings with a larger surface area or higher aspect ratio tend to generate more lift, promoting longer flights. On the other hand, wings with a more streamlined shape can reduce drag, contributing to improved aerodynamics and potentially increasing the distance the paper airplane can travel.

How does drag affect lift?

Drag is a force that opposes the motion of an object through a fluid, such as air. It can decrease the amount of lift generated by an object by acting in the opposite direction to lift. The larger the amount of drag acting on an object, the more it can reduce the overall lift and affect the performance and efficiency of an aircraft or other object.

Does the lift depend on the surface area of the balloons?


How do you control drag from increasing on helicopter?

Drag cannot be eliminated because drag always acts parallel to the relative wind. We can control by purchasing or using the right airfoil on the aircraft. An airfoil with smooth surface produces more lift than one with a rough surface. A rough surface creates turbulence, which reduced lft and increases drag.

What are the four forces of flight and why do they affect planes?

The four forces of flight are lift, weight (gravity), thrust, and drag. These forces affect planes by enabling the plane to generate lift to counteract gravity (weight), provide thrust for forward motion, and counteract drag to maintain speed and altitude during flight.

How can an objects shape reduce drag?

An object's shape can reduce drag by minimizing surface area exposed to the flow of air or water, which reduces friction and resistance. Streamlined shapes, such as teardrops or airfoil designs, can also redirect airflow more efficiently, reducing turbulence and drag. Additionally, shaping an object to create lift can help counteract drag forces, as seen in airplane wings.

What is the zero lift drag coefficient of Airbus A330-200?

coefficient of drag in 0 lift

How are the lift and drag components of the wing affected when you lower the flaps?

lift decrease and increase drag

How does the lift thrust drag and gravity affect a helicopter?

Thrust from the helicopter's rotor blades generates lift, which enables the helicopter to overcome gravity and stay airborne. Drag acts as a resistance opposing the helicopter's forward movement, requiring additional thrust to maintain speed. Gravity affects the helicopter by constantly pulling it downward, necessitating continuous lift to counteract and remain in the air.