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Q: How does the Maxwells mesh equations differ from the nodal voltage equation?
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If you are referring to the voltage after the rectifiers in a powersupply, it is due to the voltage drop across the rectifiers.

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i dont know 8x+5y=89

How does power amplifier differ from a conventional voltage amplifier?

A voltage amplifier does not have to supply significant current bur a power amplifier does.

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current is measured with the meter in series and voltage is measured with the meter in parallel of the load

What happens to voltages and currents when there are passive elements connected in series and in parallel?

In a series circuit the current flow in each element is equal but voltage across the each element is differ. In a parallel circuit the voltage across the each element is equal but current flow in each element is differ.

How do you know when an equation has infinitely many solutions or no solution?

They Are infinitely many solutions for an equation when after solving the equation for a variable(let us suppose x),we get the expression 0 = 0. Or Simply L.H.S = R.H.S For Ex. x+3=3+x x can have any value positive or negative, rational or irrational, it doesn't matter the sequence will be infinite. And No Solutions when after solving the equations the expression obtained is unequal For Ex. x+3=x+5 for every value of x, The Value in L.H.S And R.H.S. will differ. Hence It Has No Solutions.