It groups establishments according to similarity in the processes used to produce services or goods
The sixth digit of the NAICS code is used to define national industries
NAICS stands for North American Industry Classification System. This system is used by the government to classify business types. It replaces the SIC codes. A business can have more than one NAICS number if it is involved in more than one type of operation. See the related link on the Census website.
Yes, SIC does stand for the Standard Industrial Classification Code which was first created by the U.S. government in 1937, but has since been replaced by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
I usually start with the definition of work: Work = force * distance so... Force = work / distance Distance = work / force So, no. You had it backwards.
Work for what?
332322 (Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing) is the coding.
NAICS Code 812220 is for crematories
NAICS Code 311422
NAICS Code 812220 is for cemeteries
NAICS Code(s) 234110 (Highway and Street Construction)
NAICS Code(s) 212113 (Anthracite Mining)
NAICS stands for the North American Industry Classification System
NAICS Code 812220 is for cemeteries and crematories
NAICS Code 311311 is for sugarcane mills
NAICS Code 311513
NAICS Code 311511
Sector 71 of the NAICS is Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation