They always count their flying machines before they put them away at night. This prevents flying officers from taking them home with them.
Further, they count the wheels on the bottom side, as the correct number helps them immensely in take-off and landing.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention that they also like to do some navigation, from time to time, to make sure that they are going in the right direction. Ships' captains like to do that, too.
everyday they use math
We use 99.9 percent of math in our everyday life.
the banks use math so they can get their pay and count money
Artists will use math when they are drawing something if they need to know the dimensions to draw. They might also use math when they are determining pricing.
people usually use logic in math and math in logic
All US Presidents use Air Force 1.
Everyone uses math every day. Architects use math to make sure that their building designs are stable. Teachers use math to count the number of students in the class. Salesmen use math to figure out their profits.
the airforce does not have boards, they have planes and the chairman would be the secretary of the airforce
I think they do. Most of the teachers I have use math. Almost everyone (including me!) uses math.
you will use math when giving doses of drugs out
you always use math. our universe is based on numbers.
The Luftwaffe .
No I was a Sargent.
The president of the Us does not have his/her own air force. He/she is C in C of the US airforce
a basic firefighter does not use any math but if you are an EO (Engine operator) yes you with use math because you have to do pump operations and hydraulics.
pilot use math to help them in many different ways because they use height
Depends on what kind of Messerschmitt you mean... The 262 (first serial produced jet fighter ever) ... only German Luftwaffe. Same thing for the 163 rocket fighter. But if you're talking about the 109 (most famous of all of them)... well... German Luftwaffe (Austria integrated), Romanian Airforce, Finnish Airforce, Italian Airforce, Croatian Airforce... (those allied with Germany). And the Swiss Airforce (not allied with Germany - this mean's there have been 109 vs. 109 air clashes).