The Watt hour efficiency is the ratio of the amount of energy available during the discharge of an accumulator to the amount of energy put in during charge.
annual salary
A variable is a named object that is mutable. A constant is a named object that is immutable.
Bonnet capacity is the actual amount of BTU's that you get from a furnace during the run cycle.
It is called a discount, and is normally a percentage of the regular sales price.
im not sure
during the woodland
during the woodland
duuh...of course it does
Giraffes do not migrate. The only time they change their habitat is during severe dry periods they, like all the other animals, go to where the water still exists. Other than that they never change their habitat seasonly for migration.
Because in May, the laces start to grow back so the light is blocked and taken in by the leaves on the trees
the amount and variety of goods available to them.
Its average speed.
yes because wolves need an air conditionar in their den