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One third is surface and the rest is the sea.

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Q: How does the area of Earths surface covered by the oceans compare with the area of the continents?
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How much of the Earths surface is covered by the continents?

About 29% of the Earth's surface is covered by continents. The rest of the surface is ocean.

What is the approximate percentage of Earths surface that is covered by continents?

Just under 30%

What percentage of the Earth27s surface is covered by ocean?

About 71.1% of earths surface is covered by the ocean.

How does the area of earths surface covered by the Ocean compare with the area covered By land?

360 millon kilometers or just 71% and the contents 29% or just 150 million kilometers

What percentage of Earth's surface is covered by limestone?

I think it is 75 % of the earths surface is covered by limestone

What percentage of the earths surface is covered?

Roughly 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, with oceans making up the majority of this coverage. The remaining 29% consists of landmasses, including continents and islands.

Is it true that the earths surface is covered by a continuous layer of soild rock?

No, the Earth's surface is not entirely covered by a continuous layer of solid rock. The Earth's surface is made up of various types of materials, including rock, soil, water, and vegetation. The distribution of these materials varies across different regions due to factors such as geological processes and human activities.

What percentage of the earths surface do the continents represent?

Continents cover about 29% of the Earth's surface area. The rest of the surface is predominantly ocean.

How much of the earths surface is covered is covered by land?

about one fourth

How can the presence of the seven continents on the earths surface be explained?

the earths plates shifted....

How can the presence of seven continents on the earths surface be explained?

In great detail

What percentage of earths surface is covered by land?
