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Q: How does the file size change if the number of pixels of both the width and height of an image is doubled?
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How does the file size change if the total number of pixels of an image is doubled?

The file size doubles.

How do you know the dimensions of a game from its size in pixels?

Every screen will be different. You can approximate for your particular computer by dividing the height of the screen in pixels (the second number in your display resolution) by the height of the screen in centimeters. The number you get will be "pixels per cm" for your screen.

How do you create a line on an HTML webpage?

The tag creates a Horizontal line, 100% the size of the cell or page. You can change the properties of the line. To change the width by percentage add the width command (for 50 percent) or in pixels (for 50 pixels long) Change the height: using the size= command, for example would be 5 pixels in height or thickness. You could also use the align= "" command; left center, and right.and to change the color use the color= command (hr color="#FF000"> The following Horizontal line tag will leave you with a red line 5 pixels thick (height) 80 pixels long centered:

How can 1 pixel be expressed in percentage?

Percentages are used to compare one number to another. In this case, you first have to decide what you want to compare it to - for example, the screen width (in pixels), or the screen height (in pixels).

How do you calculate the number of pixels in an inch?

The number of pixels in an inch of a photo or a screen or a camera is given by the software. You can change it if the program alow you to do so. Thanks rylwy

How do you determine the number of pixels an LCD monitor displays?

You multiply the height and width of the display in pixels. The most common are: Full HD - 1920x1080 HD - 1280x720 SD - 720x480

What is the difference between pixel and resolution?

A pixel is the smallest unit of a digital image, while resolution refers to the total number of pixels in an image, often expressed as width x height (e.g., 1920x1080). In essence, resolution determines the clarity and detail of an image based on the number of pixels it contains.

What does mean the 1024x768 pixels of a monitor?

1024 is the width of a monitor in pixels and 768 is height ofa monitor in pixels(It show the resolution)

Can you change the number of pixels on a picture?

You can scale an image to make it larger or smaller, but you can't create pixels out of nothing; if you scale it to have fewer pixels, then you're losing detail, and if you scale it to have more pixels, then you have to guess at the value of the new pixels by averaging nearby pixels. Both of these tend to make the picture look more blurry.

How can you stop Tumblr from resizing your images?

You can't. Pictures bigger than 500 pixels will be resized to 500 pixels wide and maximum 700 pixels height.

How does picture quality change if monitor resolution is changed?

The picture will become finer. Your picture is made up of dots called pixels. Pixels are created from resolution for example 640x480=XXXX amounts of pixels. So when you create more pixels by increasing the resolution to say 1024x768=xxxxx amounts of pixels you increase the pixels amount and finess of the image.

What is the diffence between result of change both the size of a bit mapped image and its resolution?

When you change physical size of image in Width and Height fields its not necessary to change resolution. If you publish image to web you are inerested in Width and Height of image not in resolution, if you gonna print image then you must look in Resolution, most printers need 300 pixels per inch to print. Changing Resolution field will automaticaly change Width and Height of image in Photoshop (turn on Resample Image) and you will get best possible result with pixels you have.