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It becomes a quarter as strong and a ninth as strong, respectively.

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Q: How does the force of gravity change as you go 2 times or 3 times farther away from earth?
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How does the pull of gravity change when you get farther from the earth?

As you get farther from the Earth, you attract the Earth with less gravitational force, and the Earth attracts you with less gravitational force. The two forces remain equal as they both decrease.

Would the force of gravity exerted onto the Earth by the Sun change?

It changes all the time, as Earth gets closer to, and farther from, the Sun, in its yearly orbit.

What happens to the size of the centripetal force due to gravity acting on the satellite if the satellite moves farther from earth?

The centripetal force due to gravity decreases as the satellite moves farther from Earth because the force of gravity weakens with distance. This is in accordance with the inverse square law, which states that the force of gravity decreases with the square of the distance between two objects.

What does gravity Change on the body when you leave Earth?

Because gravity is the force of attraction between two objects, and the strength of the force depends on the distance between them. If the Earth is one of the objects and the other one leaves the Earth, then the force of gravity it feels is certainly going to change.

If you move two object farther apart how does the force of gravity between the tho two object change?

The force of gravity between the two objects decreases as they are moved farther apart. This relationship follows the inverse square law, meaning that the force of gravity decreases rapidly as the distance between the objects increases.

How can you less gravity from earth?

Reducing the Earth's gravity is not currently possible with existing technology. Gravity is a fundamental force determined by the mass of the Earth, and altering it would require significant, currently unrealistic, changes to the planet's mass or composition.

If earth stops to rotate what happens to gravity?

Nothing, the force of gravity is not affected by Earth's rotation. However measurement of WEIGHT would change.

How does the force of graviti change with mass and distance?

The force of gravity increases with mass, meaning that objects with more mass have a stronger gravitational pull. However, the force of gravity decreases with distance, following an inverse square law. This means that as you move farther away from an object, the force of gravity weakens rapidly.

Will gravity ever change so it longer holds us?

No gravity cannot change so that it no longer pulls us towards the earth because it is a property of the earth itself. The force of gravity exists between any two masses, even two people, but is much more profound between the earth and us due to the extremely large mass of the earth. Unless the mass of the earth changes, the force of gravity cannot change.

What is the force that pulls all objects to the earth?

GRAVITY... 2nd answer: The force that pulls all objects toward each other is gravity. The earth exerts the force of gravity on you, and you exert the force of gravity on the earth ( or your couch, dog, etc). We notice Earth's force of gravity because it is huge compared with the force of gravity of our bodies .... or the force of gravity of our bowling balls, and so forth.

Does the pull of earth's gravity get weaker the farther away you are from Earth?

Yes, the pull of Earth's gravity weakens as you get farther away from Earth. This is described by Newton's law of universal gravitation, which states that the gravitational force between two objects decreases as the distance between them increases.

What is the the force of Pluto's gravity?

Pluto's force of gravity is equal to 0.58m/s2, whereas the force of gravity on Earth is 9.81m/s2. Thus, the gravity on Pluto is about 6% that of the gravity on Earth.