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Q: How does the intercept make the graph more accurate?
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What are the black dots that surround a graph?

Its call the grid its used so the points you make are more accurate

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A bar graph, it shows a more accurate score.

Is it possible for the graph of a function to have more than one x-intercept?

Yes. (e.g y=x2-1.)

Why is it more useful to present results as a line graph rather than a table?

Its more accurate

What is intercept in a graph?

Wherever a given function crosses either the x-axis (which would be an x-axis intercept), or where the given function crosses the y-axis (which would be a y-axis intercept). Functions sometimes have more than one intercept of either axis, so be careful to check for those.

What does it mean if the y intercept of x equals 2?

This would be a more meaningful statement if it said that the y intercept of the equation equals 2, which would mean that when you draw the equation on a graph, the line intersects the y axis at 2, or in other words, when x = 0, y = 2. However, as stated, x = 2 has no y intercept. If you graph it, that is just a verticle line located at 2 on the x axis.

Why is it more useful to present results in a line graph?

Presenting results on a line graph is more useful because line graphs are more accurate. Line Graphs are also more visual,are less intimidating to look at,and are easier to understand. In Bullet points 1) More accurate 2) Less intimidating 3) More visual 4)Easier to understand Hope this helps:D

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What is a disadvantage and advantage of use an equation instead of a graph or table?

Advantage: Graphs provide a more visual representation. Disadvantage: Equations are usually more accurate.

What are some reasons that you might have a nonzero y-intercept on a graph?

For any relationship between x and y, the value of y at x=0 (the y intercept) could be anything depending on what the relationship is. What was your weight when you were born? There are infinitely more relationships that are nonzero when x=0, than are zero.

Are electric paintball guns accurate?

You need to be more specific as to what gun and what "accurate" is. However In general electric markers are more consistent that mechanical ones, which would make them more accurate.

What would you do to organize your data?

We can use the method of making a table,graph or pai chart to represent our data in short form and more accurate way,,,