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The Moon doesn't have one. At least if it does have one, then it's very faint. Jupiter's magnetic field works the same as Earth's. It has a molten metallic hydrogen core that flows and creates the the dynamo effect. Earth has an outer core that is liquid iron that rotates and generated this field. Jupiter's magnetic field is 14 times stronger than Earth's. In fact, it's so strong that if, you tune your car radio to dead radio station with static during(it was either) a certain part of the year or part of the night when driving on a deserted & or quiet country road, that you can sometimes hear a beeping/chirping/etc sound. It's the sound of Jupiter's magnetic field.

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Q: How does the magnetic field of the moon and Jupiter compare to Earth's?
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What causes Jupiter's magnetic field?

Jupiter's magnetic field is caused by the flow of electrically conducting material in its metallic hydrogen layer. As Jupiter rotates, this material generates a magnetic field. The combination of the planet's rotation and its metallic hydrogen layer results in its strong magnetic field.

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Comets do not collide with Jupiter due to its strong magnetic field. Instead, Jupiter's gravitational pull is typically what causes comets to collide with the planet. Jupiter's magnetic field is indeed strong, but it does not directly attract comets to collide with it.

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